Review Type
Review Type
On receipt of a study protocol, by the NREB Secretariat, that initially appears to be of minimal risk (by checklist), clarification may be sought from the Chair and/or Co-Chair to decide as to whether the protocol requires consideration for Full Review or re-routed to a subcommittee of two or more members for Expedited Review (ER). All decisions made in this manner, with appropriate justifications, shall be confirmed at the next full meeting of the NREB
Timely Consideration for Review
All completed proposals submitted by the deadline shall be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled bi-monthly meeting, if the numbers of proposals meet the threshold.
If additional materials are required from the Principal Investigator (PI) to complete the application, he/she shall be contacted by a written communication (letter or email) to provide the materials.
The PIs maybe asked to be available for presentations and/or contacted during the meetings.