Administrative Procedure

Administrative Procedures 

Frequency of Meetings

The National Research Ethics Board (NREB) shall meet bi-monthly for its regular meetings, on the third Saturday of the month.  These dates shall be made public and posted on the website of the NREB.

The threshold for the review of research protocols during regular meetings shall be a minimal of three completed applications.

Where applicable, there shall be situational, or Ad-Hocmeetings called by the Directorof the NREB, such as an emergency meeting,based on appropriate justifications.

 Attendance at Meetings 

Regular attendance at all meetings for the effective operations of the NREB shall be highly encouraged.


A quorum for the commencement of meetings shall be two-thirds of the membership of the NREB.

Submission of Comments

In situations where a member cannot attend a meeting, he/she shall advise the NREB Director one (1) week before the scheduled meeting regarding their views and/or concerns on specific agenda items under consideration.

Members Not in Attendance

Members, who for some unforeseen reasons cannot attend a meeting, shall inform the NREB Director two (2) weeks before the scheduled meeting.

Members who are absent from 60% of regularly scheduled meetings during a period of six (6) calendar months without appropriate excuses hall be automatically replaced by new members based on the recommendations of the Appointing Authority.

Members shall acknowledge receipt of invitations regarding availability for meetings.

Agenda for Regular Meetins 

The Agenda and Research Protocols shall be distributed by the NREB Director to the Membership no later than three (3) weeks before a meeting. The materials shall be distributed by electronic and hard copies such as post, courier, email and/or in-person, where applicable, to ensure timely delivery. Receipt of the materials shall be confirmed by each member prior to the meeting.  

The Agenda shall include, where applicable, the following items:

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
  2. New Proposals
  3. Re-submission/Revised Proposals/Protocol Changes
  4. Progress/Final Reports on Approved Proposals
  5. Administrative/Operative issues
  6. Any other Business (AOB)

Minutes of Meetings 

The minutes of the previous meeting shall be written and distributed to all members at least two (2) weeks prior to the next meeting.

During the meeting, the minutes shall be read and adopted, signed by the Chair, Co-Chair and/or by the presiding, and archived for the NREB Records.